The London Metropolitan University is applying its design-research expertise in ‘urban rewilding’, developed through the Rewild My Street campaign, to live greening projects planned in the London borough of Islington. The first is a pilot project to rewild a disused road bisecting the Highbury Fields public park to create a pedestrian, cycle and wildlife corridor incorporating play space. Sian Moxon, Associate Professor of Sustainable Architecture and environment lead for the university’s London Met Lab initiative, created a concept collage for the project.
What are the key innovative aspects of the project and the story behind it?
The collaboration developed through the university’s role as an anchor institution for Islington Council – part of a commitment to working with local partners to tackle key challenges in the capital, including the environment, through the innovative London Met Lab initiative. The Lab has been advising on the council’s Environment Steering Group since 2021. The council has appointed a project team and is carrying out early consultation on the project, funded through its Greener Together programme, with Moxon in an advisory role.

Title: Concept Collage for Highbury Fields
Credit: Siân Moxon/Rewild My Street (with altered photos courtesy of Nekrasova Anastasiya, Pau.artigas, Clarst5/Shutterstock, Freebie Photograpgy, Gallinago Media/Shutterstock, Gordon, H Helene, George Hodan, Imagewell/Shutterstock, Islington Council, Peter Mulligan, Serkan Mutan/Shutterstock, Photomaster/Shutterstock, Keith Pritchard/Shutterstock, Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock, Super.lukas, Rudmer Zverver/Shutterstock).